Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy New Year!

OMG!! December passed in such a rush.  Our Christmas Day was lovely, and the week surrounding it wasn't dull.  Trips to the hospital emergency room on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day with my elder daughter.  On the mend now but suffering a nasty infection - she spent the night being pumped full of IV antibiotics.  Then another day spent fixing tyres after my younger daughter - a learner driver - popped a tyre on a kerb!  Consequently she had her first lesson in changing a tyre.  She and I managed it together and B is very proud of herself.... "Girls Rock!!" 

Now onto the second week of my Christmas break I'm hoping for a more relaxing finish to my holiday, although today started with poor Gypsy having one of her seizures on the floor beside my bed.  I don't seem to by managing her medication well enough, but I've dosed her up now and hopefully she will have a restful day snoozing in her favourite spot on my bed.  I'm worried she needs higher does of pills.  The vet has said it will cause liver problems in the long term and her life will probably be shortened by being medicated. :((

The dog is on heat so is banished.  That is a job for the next couple of months...off to the vet for her op!  I braved the dog beach yesterday with her.  I say braved because I have a love hate relationship with the dog beaches.  It's so lovely watching all the dogs have such a frolicking good time, and the beach is so so beautiful, but it goes hand in hand with the dogs that run straight over you - the ones the owners have no control over because the hounds are just so so excited.  I came home crunching sand between my teeth!!  Tilly did a number 2 in the back of the ute on the way down!!! and then jumped and walked it all over the place.  Then there's the ablutions of the dogs at the beach...right beside me yesterday.  Picked up, but there's a lot that aren't picked up and lie hidden in the sand. 

Tilly is so incredibly excited in the car, the whole car rocks around as she leaps in circles all the way along the ride.  Holding her on the lead is exhausting and you come back with rope burn on your hands.  Any tips on training a blind dog, gladly welcomed.  Trust me food doesn't work!!  She goes ballistic trying to find the treat!

Anyway here's a couple of pictures of Gypsy sound asleep on the kitchen bench....

Mirrors how one often feels after the over indulgence in food over the festive period, don't you think? 
That's exactly how I would like to spend a few days before the return to the out of control treadmill of my life......

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