Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Dreams are so important aren't they?  I have many.  No different to the next person.  They keep me going.  I get excited at the prospect of them becoming a reality. At different times they take over my mind.  Want to hear what currently occupies my mind?  I keep conjuring up pictures in my mind of me living my dream.  I'm in situ constantly... floating off to sleep, daydreaming on the job, googling images and pinning away.  One day it will happen, or it may not, if by then I have a new dream.  But this one has long been with me and it comes and goes in its vividness. Right now it is all consuming, and I'm working out the fine details in my mind.  I can smell it and taste it.  I can feel the water, cool and refreshing.  I can feel the sun touching my skin. I can see the colours around me.  I can hear the distant natter of voices in a foreign language. I can taste the crisp cold wine I sip whilst watching the sunset.  I can see the supper of fresh fish and salad.  I can see the fishing boats resting in the harbour, that caught the fish i've cooked that very day! I hear a bell - around the neck of a donkey or goat clattering as they move.

My days are spent painting, reading, writing, walking the hills around me, crafting and swimming. Soft white curtains billow at the open doors. Days of coffee and friendly locals. Afternoon siestas whenever I need them.  I imagine feeling so strong and healthy, not a care in the world, blissfully happy and relaxed.  Finally feeding the creative me that yearns to be.

Welcoming visitors to share my slice of heaven.  Seeing them relax and recharge whilst there.  Lots of laughter and times shared. Crafty groups coming for week long stays and working on quilts and grannies.  My quilts adorning the beds and walls - alongwith artwork. Spending several months of year - my European summer home. 

I'm loving my dream right now, watching it grow and blossom in my mind.  Heaven.

1 comment:

Sue xx said...

that's wonderful, I hope you get there!